Quickie How To Have The Best Quickie Sex

Who says good things can't come in small packages? Sometimes a quickie can be just what the doctor ordered. But don't let the brevity fool you - there's an art to mastering the quickie. From setting the mood to knowing the right moves, it's all about efficiency without sacrificing pleasure. If you're looking to up your quickie game, check out this ultimate guide for some expert tips and tricks.

Quickie sex can be a fun and exciting way to spice up your sex life, especially when you're pressed for time or feeling spontaneous. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just starting to date, having a quickie can add an element of thrill and passion to your sexual encounters. In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks for having the best quickie sex, from setting the mood to making the most of your limited time.

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Setting The Mood

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Setting the mood is crucial for having the best quickie sex. Even though a quickie is spontaneous, it doesn't mean you can't create a sexy atmosphere. Start by dimming the lights and putting on some mood-setting music. Light some candles or incense to create a sensual ambiance. Setting the mood will help you and your partner feel more relaxed and in the moment, enhancing the overall experience.

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Foreplay Is Key

While quickie sex is all about efficiency, that doesn't mean you should skip foreplay. In fact, incorporating a bit of foreplay can make your quickie even more satisfying. Spend a few minutes kissing and touching each other before getting down to business. This will help build anticipation and arousal, making the quickie feel more intense and fulfilling.

Choose The Right Location

One of the exciting aspects of quickie sex is the thrill of doing it in unexpected places. Whether it's in the kitchen, the car, or a secluded spot outdoors, choosing the right location can add an element of excitement to your quickie. Just make sure you pick a place where you won't be interrupted and where you both feel comfortable and safe.

Communication Is Key

Communication is essential for any sexual encounter, including quickie sex. If you're feeling in the mood for a quickie, communicate that desire to your partner. Make sure you both agree on the time and place, and that you're both on the same page about what you want from the experience. Being open and honest with each other will ensure that you both have a great time and feel satisfied.

Be Adventurous

Quickie sex is the perfect opportunity to be a little adventurous and try something new. Whether it's a new position, a different location, or incorporating a sex toy, don't be afraid to get creative and explore your desires. Being adventurous can make your quickie sex more exciting and fulfilling for both you and your partner.

Focus On Pleasure

In the limited time you have for a quickie, it's important to focus on pleasure. Instead of worrying about reaching orgasm, focus on enjoying the experience and connecting with your partner. Pay attention to each other's needs and desires, and prioritize mutual pleasure. Remember, it's not about the quantity of time, but the quality of the experience.


After your quickie, take a few moments to reconnect with your partner. Cuddle, kiss, and express your appreciation for the experience. Making time for aftercare can help you both feel emotionally connected and satisfied, even after a brief encounter.

In conclusion, quickie sex can be a thrilling and satisfying way to add some excitement to your sex life. By setting the mood, incorporating foreplay, choosing the right location, communicating with your partner, being adventurous, focusing on pleasure, and making time for aftercare, you can ensure that you have the best quickie sex possible. So, next time you're feeling spontaneous, don't hesitate to give quickie sex a try and enjoy the intense passion and connection it can bring to your relationship.